Direct phone number of our clinic:
+36 20 296 0875If this number is busy please call our central reception number
+36 1 700 3930Address: 1149 Budapest, Pillangó utca 22.
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Grand Park Dental - Dental Practice
Adult Dentistry, Child Care! Our dentists are regular and emergency dentist specialists. In addition to the dental care of adult patients, we attach great importance to child care tasks.
Grandpark Dental
Complete dental care / Full range of dental care
Grandpark Dental
Special dental prices
20 000 HUF / 2 jaws
Scale removal, polish, dental hygiene consultation
49 900 HUF / 2 arches
In-office tooth whitening (Beyond)
8 000 HUF / piece
Orthopantomogram - panoramic radiograph
75 000 HUF / unit
Metal-ceramic crown
103 000 HUF / unit
Zirconium crown
195 000 HUF / jaw
Removable complete denture
Our prices
Grandpark Dental
Our dentists

Dr. Nasr AbdulqawiVezető Fogszakorvos, Szájsebész

Dr. Qawyean Akram Yosef Dentist

Tóth Annamária Vezető fogászati asszisztens, dentalhigiénikus
Our dentists
Grandpark Dental